Origenes und die »Gerechtigkeit Gottes«

200px-origen3Lee Irons arbeitet gerade an seiner Promotion in Fachbereich Neues Testament am Fuller Theological Seminary. Im Rahmen seiner Studien ist er bei Origenes (185–254 n.Chr.) auf einen Text gestoßen, der Röm 3,21–22 und 10,3 im Lichte von 1Kor 1,30 auslegt. Demnach ist Christus – ganz im Sinne der Alten Paulusperspektive – die Gerechtigkeit Gottes.

Origenes kommentiert Röm 3,12 (Migne, Patrologiae Graecae, Bd. 14, Absatz 944):

We can now see what »righteousness« it is that has been manifested apart from natural law. It is the same which the apostle Paul says concerning Christ, that »he has been made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.« Therefore, this righteousness of God, which is Christ, has been manifested apart from the natural law, but not apart from the law of Moses or the prophets. Natural law teaches us about equity among men or to know that there is a God. But that Christ is the Son of god, who is able to come to know this by nature? Therefore, apart from that law, the righteousness of God, which is Christ, has been manifested, testified to by the law of Moses and the prophets.

Doch ist Christus nicht nur Gottes Gerechtigkeit. Diese Gerechtigkeit Gottes wird all jenen frei geschenkt, die sich Jesus Christus im Glauben anvertrauen. Auf diese Weise, nicht durch Werke, werden gläubige Juden oder Griechen gerechtfertigt. Origenes (Absatz 945):

There is, he says, no distinction between Jews and Greeks, since all stand equally made under sin, as he had previously made clear, and now the righteousness of God, supported by the testimonies of the law and prophets, through faith in Jesus Christ is equally given to all … For that reason, the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ coming to all who believe, whether they are Jews or Greeks, justifies those who have been purified from their prior crimes and makes them fit for the glory of God; and it makes them such, not by their merits, nor for their works, but freely offers glory to those who believe.

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