Themelios Vol. 42 2/2017

Die Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Themelios (Vol 42, Issue 2, August 2017) ist bereits im Sommer erschienen. Hier der Inhalt:

  1. EDITORIAL: On Knowing When to Resign – D. A. Carson
  2. STRANGE TIMES: The ‘Only’ Option – Daniel Strange
  3. Confession of a Reformed Philosopher: Why I Am a Compatibilist about Determinism and Moral Responsibility – John C. Wingard Jr.
  4. Natural Selection and an Epistemology of Evil: An Incompatible Pair – J. Daniel McDonald
  5. Wendell Berry’s “Risk”: In the Middle on Gay Marriage? – Jacob Shatzer
  6. The Preeminence of Knowledge in John Calvin’s Doctrine of Conversion and Its Influence Upon His Ministry in Geneva – Obbie Tyler Todd
  7. Redeeming Edwards’s Doctrine of Hell: An “Edwardsean” Account – Christopher Woznicki
  8. A Missiology of Excluded Middles: An Analysis of the T4T Scheme for Evangelism and Discipleship – George A. Terry
  9. Book Reviews

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