Einen Tag, nachdem Eugene Peterson gegenüber dem Religion News Service geäußert hatte, die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe zu begrüßen, ist der Bestsellerautor wieder zurückgerudert und sagte: „Um es klar zu machen, ich bejahe eine biblische Sichtweise auf die Ehe: ein Mann mit einer Frau. Ich bejahe eine biblische Sicht auf alles “ (Einzelheiten bei CT).
Denny Burk hat dieses Hin und Her klug kommentiert:
As I tweeted earlier, I am grateful to see Peterson retract what he said in his interview with Merritt. He confesses that he succumbed to the pressure of the moment when being interviewed and that what he said to Merritt does not reflect his actual views. That he was willing to say so and to do a complete about-face is rare and remarkable. Peterson says, “I affirm a biblical view of marriage: one man to one woman.” That is a faithful affirmation.
Having said that, I do believe that Peterson has left some pretty fundamental questions unanswered. How does he square this “biblical view of marriage” with admitting practicing gay people into church membership? How is his view of marriage consistent with bringing openly gay persons onto his ministerial staff? These are the pastoral practices of one who affirms homosexual relationships, not of one who opposes them. Peterson raised more questions in his interview yesterday than he answered in his retraction today.
Hier mehr: www.dennyburk.com.
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