
Don Carson und Tim Keller sprechen in diesem Video über das Thema „(reformierte) Erweckung“ und lassen dabei eigene „Erweckungserfahrungen“ einfließen. Interessant!

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10 Jahre zuvor

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this one, Ron.

Indeed, matches with my own revival experiences here in Germany in the 1990’s.
At first you get a genuine experience with God. But suddenly the devil creeps in and spreads his contortion of truth. In my case it was some Pentecostal and charismatic stuff that blurred my mind for quite some time until the Lord woke me up.

Also, Tim Keller was right about those who are appointed as Christian leaders way too early. Pride comes in and thus Satan has an easy job with them. We all need the cross and must die to self. Otherwise God cannot use us for HIS purposes at all.

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