Francis A. Schaeffer-Archiv wird am SBTS aufgebaut

Das Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) ist von der Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation mit dem Aufbau eines Schaeffer-Archivs betraut worden. Wie Udo Middelmann, Präsident der Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation, bekannt gab, werden Aufsatzsammlungen, Briefe und andere bisher unveröffentlichte Materialien des späten Francis Schaeffer an das »L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture« des SBTS übergeben. Direktor des Instituts ist Professor Bruce Little.

Hier die offizielle Presseerklärung:

Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary today announced the addition of a voluminous collection of papers and correspondence of the late apologist Francis A. Schaeffer to Southeastern’s libary, thanks to the generosity of the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation. The collection is given to the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture for Southeastern Seminary.

The collection includes select unpublished papers and correspondence, source materials, notes, and recorded discussions of Schaeffer, one of evangelical Christianity’s most prominent 20th century voices and the author of 27 books. The collection, of which Southeastern has custody, will be placed under the direction of Bruce Little, professor of Christian philosophy and director of the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture, a ministry of Southeastern.

The foundation is overseen by its president, Udo Middelmann, who is Schaeffer’s son-in-law. Middelmann said the foundation is pleased to entrust these materials to Southeastern, in the hopes that Schaeffer’s work will continue to be influential for years to come.

“A lifetime spent in the pursuit of truth, and its relationship to society, philosophy and culture, is found in the collected papers and correspondence of Francis Schaeffer,” Middelmann said.

Little said he is grateful for the opportunity to serve as custodian of the collection. “We are thankful to the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation for entrusting us with this priceless treasure of historical significance,” Little said. “Every now and then, God gives His Church a unique voice for His people. Schaeffer was such a voice. It is our privilege to have a part in preserving and promoting this legacy for the generations to come.”

Schaeffer was born in the United States but spent most of his life in Switzerland with his wife Edith and their four children. In 1955, Francis and Edith Schaeffer opened their chalet/home to those who were seeking answers to life’s many questions and from that the ministry known as L’Abri began. The Schaeffers welcomed thousands of visitors during several decades some who stayed for only a few days while others a much longer time. However long the stay, it was an opportunity to learn from Schaeffer how the inerrant Scriptures gave the only fitting understanding of the real world.

In addition to his more than two dozen books, Schaeffer also recorded the influential series of videos called How Should We Then Live?, revealing the rise and decline of Western thought and culture.

President Daniel Akin said Southeastern was humbled to receive guardianship of the collection. “It is my hope that the spirit of Francis Schaeffer, with his mind for truth and heart of love, will pervade our campus,” Akin said. “I pray that this collection will allow Southeastern to serve the church by extending the legacy of this great man of faith.”

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