Foundations Journal Nr. 60

affinity-foundations-60-spring.jpgDas Foundations Journal hat in der Ausgabe Nr. 60 (Frühjahr 2011) einige interessante Texte von honorigen Theologen publiziert:

  1. Carl R. Trueman: View of Scripture an Enlightenment Innovation?
  2. Peter Naylor: Lost in the Old Testament? Literary Genres and Evangelical Hermeneutics
  3. Greg Beale: The Right Doctrine, Wrong Texts: Can we follow the Apostles’ Doctrine but not their Hermeneutic?
  4. Stephen Clark: The Use of the Bible in the Church
  5. Hywel R. Jones: Preaching the Word in the Power of the Holy Spirit

Da Journal kann hier gratis heruntergeladen werden: affinity-foundations-60-spring-2011.pdf.

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