Deep Church

513RwtS66uL._SL160_Jim Belcher sucht nach einem Weg jenseits von Tradtionalismus und Emergenz. Brandon O’Brien von Christianity Today hat sein Buch Deep Church gelesen und kurz rezensiert. Er kommt zu dem Schluss:

In the end, Belcher’s »third way« skews toward traditionalism. But he is as critical of traditionalists as he is of the emerging movement, and his critiques are fair and balanced. Readers who recognize that the traditional church is ripe for reform but are wary of emerging alternatives will find Belcher a careful, sympathetic guide toward a more productive conversation.

Hier die Buchbesprechung: Das Buch:

  • Jim Belcher: Deep Church: A Third Way Beyond Emerging and Traditional, Inter Varsity, 2009, 233 S.

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