Eine christuszentrierte Biblische Theologie

3969.jpegDas neue Buch von Graeme Goldsworthy (Moore Theological College in Sydney) hat das Zeug, wieder ein Klassiker zu werden. Hier das Inhaltsverzeichnis von:

  • Graeme Goldsworthy: Christ-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles, IVP Academic, 2012, 240 S.


1. Biblical theology: lame duck or eagles‘ wings?
Confessions of a biblical theology addict
The big questions about the big picture
The Robinson-Hebert schema
The role of Genesis 1–11
The question of reductionism
Why is biblical theology so neglected?

2. Evangelical definitions and presuppositions
Tentative steps towards a definition of biblical theology
Evangelical theological presuppositions in biblical theology
Evangelical hermeneutical presuppositions in biblical theology

3. Salvation and history
The idea of salvation history
The biblical history as salvation history
Salvation history within Scripture: Old Testament
Salvation history within Scripture: New Testament

4. Evangelical practice
The lack of consensus among evangelicals
The shaping of a biblical theologian: my debt to Donald Robinson
Some leading evangelical biblical theologians

5. Multiplex biblical theology
The problem of unity and diversity in method
Proponents of the multiplex approach

6. Letting the Old Testament speak I: biblical history
What kind of epoch?
The main foci in Old Testament history

7. Letting the Old Testament speak II: prophetic eschatology
The pattern of prophetic eschatology
The canonical shape
The main foci in prophetic eschatology

8. Letting the New Testament speak
Is the New Testament normative in the interpretation of the Old Testament?
Does the New Testament exhibit a structure of revelation?
The Abraham-David/Solomon axis and the fulfilment of prophecy
A comparison of approaches

9. Typology
Robinson’s typology
Approaches to typology
Some issues in the debate

10. The Robinson legacy
Robinson’s typology and method in biblical theology
Israel and the church

11. How to do biblical theology
Is there a future for biblical theology?
Possibilities for biblical theology


Kevin J. Vanhoozer schreibt zum Buch:

„For many years I have admired the good things coming out of Moore Theological College. It’s high time that the biblical theology being done down under be put front and center in North America. In an age of increasing specialization and fragmentation where even biblical things come apart, Goldsworthy’s approach to the unity of Scripture is an important countercultural blast.“

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12 Jahre zuvor

Schade – irgendwie habe ich den Eindruck, dass es lesenswerte deutschsprachige Literatur nicht gibt!


12 Jahre zuvor

Doch – wenn sie übersetzt ist 🙂 🙂 🙂

12 Jahre zuvor

Hallo Schandor!
Naja – selbst mit meinen sehr bescheidenen Englischkenntnissen merke ich, dass oft (oder immer?) die Übersetzungen auch in ihrem inhaltlichen Tiefgang hinter den Originalen zurückbleiben.


12 Jahre zuvor

Worin besteht der Unterschied zu „Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics“?

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