Außenansicht: Der authentische Bonhoeffer

51p0A-e3DhL._SL160_.jpgCollin Hansen hat mit Eric Metaxas über sein neues Bonhoefferbuch gesprochen. Metaxas:

Bonhoeffer showed genuine courage and authenticity in his life. He said many unpopular things and was unafraid to do so. For example, he was not afraid to say that abortion was murder. He was sexually pure, and he was devoted to Jesus. One could see that with him; it was never mere talk. He was the real deal, all the way through. It’s hard not to be inspired by that.

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Das Buch:

  • Eric Metaxas: Bonhoeffer – Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Thomas Nelson, April 2010, 608 S., ca. 13 Euro

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