Der Kirchengeschichtler Everett Ferguson hat ein voluminöses Werk über die Taufe in den ersten fünf Jahrhunderten publiziert:
- Everett Ferguson: Baptism in the Early Church: History, Theology, and Liturgy in the First Five Centuries, Eerdmans, 2009, 912 S.
Hier das Inhaltsverzeichnis:
1. Introduction: Survey of Literature
Part 1: Antecedents to Christian Baptism
2. Washings for Purification in Greco-Roman Paganism
3. Words from the Bapt- Root in Classical and Hellenistic Greek
4. Jewish Washings, Baptismal Movements, and Proselyte Baptisms
5. John the Baptizer
Part 2: Baptism in the New Testament
6. Baptism of Jesus–1
7. Baptism of Jesus–2
8. Other References to Baptism in the Gospels
9. Baptism in the Pauline Epistles
10. The Acts of the Apostles
11. Baptism in the Rest of the New Testament and Summary
Part 3: The Second Century
12. Apostolic Fathers
13. Christian Pseudepigripha and Apocrypha
14. Apologists
15. The Pseudo-Clementines and Jewish Christianity
16. Jewish and Christian Baptisms
17. Marcionites, Those Called Gnostics, and Related Groups
18. Irenaeus
19. Clement of Alexandria
Part 4: The Third Century to Nicaea (325)
20. Writings Attributed to Hippolytus
21. Carthage: Tertullian
22. Carthage: Cyprian
23. Origin and Early Development of Infant Baptism
24. The Controversy over „Rebaptism“ in the Third Century
25. Origen
26. Syria in the Third Century
27. Sources at the Turn to the Fourth Century
Part 5: The Fourth Century
28. Egypt in the Fourth Century
29. Jerusalem in the Fourth Century
30. Writers in Syriac in the Fourth Century: Aphrahat
31. Writers in Syriac in the Fourth Century: Ephraem the Syrian
32. The School of Antioch: Theodore of Mopsuestia
33. The School of Antioch: John Chrysostom–1
34. The School of Antioch: John Chrysostom–2
35. Miscellaneous Sources: Church Orders and „Eunomian“ Baptisms
36. Cappadocia: Basil the Great
37. Cappadocia: Gregory of Naziansus
38. Cappadocia: Gregory of Nyssa
39. The Delay of Baptism: Sickbed Baptism, Believers‘ Baptism, and Infant Baptism
40. Milan: Ambrose
41. Other Northern Italians
42. Spain
43. Some Other Latin Authors
Part 6: The Fifth Century
44. Egypt: Cyril of Alexandria and the Coptic Rite
45. Writings and Writers in Syriac and Armenian
46. Greek-Speaking Syria
47. Baptism in the Messalian Controversy
48. Asia Minor and Constantinople
49. Ravenna and Rome
50. Gaul and North Africa: Gennadius of Marseilles, Some African Councils, and Quodvultdeus of Carthage
51. North Africa: Augustine of Hippo–1
52. North Africa: Augustine of Hippo–2
Part 7: Baptistries
53. Baptismal Fonts: East
54. Baptismal Fonts: West
55. Conclusions
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