Die neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Themelios ist vor einigen Tagen erschienen. Dabei ist diesmal u.a. ein Artikel von Jonathan Gibson über Jonathan Edwards. Er schreibt in: „Jonathan Edwards: A Missionary?“:
Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) is remembered today as a saint, scholar, preacher, pastor, metaphysician, revival leader, theologian, Calvinist—the list goes on. However, ‚If there is one area of Edwards’s life that has been consistently overlooked and understated by contemporaries and scholars alike, it is his role as Indian missionary and advocate for Indian affairs.‘ It is indeed hard to imagine: a white British colonial Puritan, with powdered wig and Geneva bands, as a missionary to native American Indians. Of course, historically, the issue is not debated. In August 1751, following a three-month trial period in the spring of the same year, Jonathan Edwards moved to the frontier mission outpost of Stockbridge where he served for nearly seven years, just prior to his death in March 1758. His role at Stockbridge was two-fold: to pastor the English congregation and to serve as missionary to the Indians.
Hier geht’s zum Journal, das auch als PDF-Datei heruntergeladen werden kann: thegospelcoalition.org.