21st Century Evangelicals

UK_Alliance.jpgWas glauben Evangelikale? Wie verhalten sie sich? Die Evangelische Allianz in Großbritannien hat eine große Umfrage zu diesem Thema gemacht und inzwischen die Ergebnisse publiziert. Interessant finde ich, dass Roger Forster ganz unverhohlen davon spricht, dass die Christen, die sich trotz aller Verschiedenheit im Namen der Allianz versammeln, den Auftrag haben, die Gesellschaft zu verändern. Hat die Allianz ein politisches Mandat? Oder will Forster einfach sagen, dass wir Christen durch die Art, wie wir leben, die Gesellschaft verändern?

Er schreibt:

The heartbeat of the Evangelical Alliance is unity. Unity which enables us, together, to change society. Unity that provides us all with a voice to Government and media. Unity that sees community transformed spiritually, socially and physically. Taking this snapshot has provided us with the opportunity to find out what Christians think about our work. The results are extremely encouraging and provide us with a clear mandate in our mission of uniting evangelical Christians, with their enriching diversities, in order to change society – by bringing in the Kingdom of God – “justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit”. It is equally encouraging to know that 95% of our individual members think the Alliance plays an important role in the UK. These results will spur us on to do even more to serve evangelical Christians. We also hope that being that so many evangelicals agree with what we’re doing, it will encourage others to get involved. We will be able to achieve so much more together and with our Lord.

Hier das Ergebnis der Umfrage zusammengefasst: 21st-Century-Evangelicals-PDF.pdf.

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