75 Vorträge von Francis Schaeffer

Justin Taylor hat in seinem Blog auf einige Vorträge von Francis Schaeffer verwiesen. Ich übernehme diese Liste hier, um das Material in Deutschland bekannter zu machen.

Die Vorträge gehören zum Inventar der L’Abri Ideas Library. Auch wenn die Tonqualität gelegentlich zu wünschen übrig lässt, sind etliche der Vorträge immer noch hilfreich. Sie sind außerdem ein Beleg dafür, dass Schaeffer ein reformierter Denker war.

Biblische Lehre nach dem Westminster Bekenntnis

  1. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 02 – Historical Christianity (continued)
  2. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 03 – God and Scripture
  3. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 04 – God & Scripture (continued)
  4. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 05 – The Trinity in the Old Testament
  5. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 06 – The Trinity in the Old Testament (continued)
  6. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 07 – The Persons of the Trinity
  7. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 08 – The Persons of the Trinity (continued)
  8. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 09 – Creation
  9. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 10 – Creation (continued)
  10. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 11 – The Significance of Creation for History
  11. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 12 – The Significance of Creation for History (continued)
  12. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 13 – God’s Sovereignty & Man’s Significance
  13. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 14 – God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Significance (continued)
  14. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 15 – The Creation of Man
  15. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 16 – The Creation of Man (continued)
  16. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 17 – The Fall
  17. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 18 – The Fall (continued)
  18. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 19 – Results of The Fall
  19. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 20 – Results of The Fall (continued)
  20. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 21 – Covenant of Grace
  21. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 22 – Covenant of Grace (continued)
  22. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 23 – Covenant with Abraham
  23. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 24 – Covenant with Abraham (continued)
  24. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 25 – The Unity of The Covenant of Grace
  25. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 26 – The Unity of The Covenant of Grace (continued)
  26. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 27 – Prophecies of Chris
  27. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 28 – Prophecies of Christ (continued)
  28. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 29 – Christ The Mediator
  29. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 30 – Christ The Mediator (continued)
  30. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 31 – Christ As Prophet
  31. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 32 – Christ As Prophet (continued)
  32. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 33 – Christ As Priest
  33. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 34 – Christ As Priest (continued)
  34. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 35 – Passive & Active Obedience of Christ
  35. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 36 – Christ As King
  36. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 37 – Christ As King (continued)
  37. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 38 – Christ’s Humiliation & Exaltation
  38. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 39 – Christ’s Humiliation & Exaltation (continued)
  39. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 40 – Salvation
  40. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 41 – Salvation (continued)
  41. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 42 – Justification
  42. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 43 – Justification (continued)
  43. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 44 – Faith
  44. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 45 – Faith (continued)
  45. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 46 – Relationship with Christ
  46. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 47 – Relationship with Christ (continued)
  47. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 48 – Brotherhood of Believers
  48. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 49 – Brotherhood of Believers (continued)
  49. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 50 – Discipline in the Church
  50. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 51 – Discipline In The Church (continued)
  51. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 52 – Assurance
  52. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 53 – Assurance (continued)
  53. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 54 – Repentance
  54. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 55 – Repentance (continued)
  55. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 56 – Sanctification
  56. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 57 – Sanctification (continued
  57. Biblical Doctrine Series: Westminster Confession, part 58 – Life After Death

Die Entwicklung des modernen Denkens

  1. The Development of Modern Thought, part 01 – Introduction: Aquinas to the Renaissance
  2. The Development of Modern Thought, part 02 – The Renaissance and the Reformation
  3. The Development of Modern Thought, part 03 – The Development of Modern Science
  4. The Development of Modern Thought, part 04 – From Modern Science to Modern-Modern Science
  5. The Development of Modern Thought, part 05 – The Shift in Philosophy; Rousseau, Kant, Hegel
  6. The Development of Modern Thought, part 06 – The Spread into Other Disciplines; Art, Music
  7. The Development of Modern Thought, part 07 – The New Theology and Higher Criticism
  8. The Development of Modern Thought, part 08 – The Forms of Existentialism
  9. The Development of Modern Thought, part 09 – Contemporary Results of Berkeley 1964
  10. The Development of Modern Thought, part 11 – Society After The Loss of Absolutes
  11. The Development of Modern Thought, part 12 – The Silent Majority and the Elites

Geistliches Leben

  1. True Spirituality, part 1 – The Importance Of New Birth
  2. True Spirituality, part 2 – The Death Of Things & Self
  3. True Spirituality, part 3 – The Christian Perspective
  4. True Spirituality, part 4 – Resurrected Life Now
  5. True Spirituality, part 5 – The Supernatural Nature of the Universe
  6. True Spirituality, part 6 – The Reality of Christ
  7. True Spirituality, part 7 – Moment by Moment Living

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13 Jahre zuvor

Biblical Doctrine part 1 fehlt (der erste Link fehlt).

13 Jahre zuvor

Das scheint ja eine hervorragende Grundlage fuer eine christliche Weltsicht zu sein. Das sind sehr gute Links !! Vielen Dank. (Kommen gleich auf den IPod).

13 Jahre zuvor

Kenneth Boa bezeichnet ihn in seinem Buch „Faith has its Reasons“ einmal als den „liebenswürdigsten“ aller Apologeten. Und seine Videovorträge zur Kulturgeschichte sind ein Hochgenuss!

12 Jahre zuvor

[…] über die Internetseite der L´Abri ideas library downloadbar (oder siehe auch die Liste “75 Vorträge von Francis Schaeffer” auf TheoBlog). Außerdem sind unter Youtube viele Videoclips mit Francis Schaeffer […]

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