Al Mohler, einer der Hauptreferenten auf der Evangelium21-Konferenz 2017, spricht über den Einfluss, den Francis Schaeffer auf sein Leben hatte:
The main title of the book struck me as odd. It still does. It is correct, in terms of English usage, but I found it an odd way to ask the question. Then again, Schaeffer was odd. He famously dressed as if he had come down from the Swiss mountains in a previous century. In one sense he had. Francis Schaeffer and his wife, Edith, had founded and then directed L’Abri Fellowship, a ministry in the Swiss mountains, drawing disaffected and confused young people from around the world, mostly the United States, and presenting them with the gospel of Christ and, strangely and wonderfully enough, answering their questions with a rational and demonstrative apologetic for biblical Christianity. While other leaders were building the evangelical empire, the Schaeffers took in scores of long-haired and intellectually agitated young people, engaging their minds and interpreting the culture.
Hier er Artikel „Francis Schaeffer’s ‚How Should We Then Live‘ after 40 years“: www.sbts.edu.
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