Rob Bradshaw hat freundlicherweise mit Genehmigung den Aufsatz:
- Frank E. Gaebelein: “The Unity of the Bible,” Carl F.H. Henry, ed., Revelation and the Bible. Contemporary Evangelical Thought, Grand Rapids: Baker, 1958 / London: The Tyndale Press, 1959. S. 389-401
Gaebelein begründet die Einheit der Bibel christologisch:
The center of the Bible is the living Christ. Throughout its pages God the Holy Spirit who inspired it bears witness to the Person who unites all the manifold strands of history, prophecy, poetry, symbolism, and doctrine to bear witness to him and his saving work. Let us, therefore, rejoice that Christ is the center of the Bible, that in him alone it finds its living unity. Let us reverence the Bible as the only written revelation of God, the only completely truthful book, realizing that we reverence it most fully and honor it most highly when we see within its pages the Lord Jesus Christ and when we make him in whom its unity is centered the center of our own life and service.
Hier der Aufsatz: 24_unity_gaebelein.pdf.
Lieber Ron,
der Link zeigt auf einen Artikel von Gerhard F. Hasel mit demselben Titel. DerLink von Gaebeleins Aufsatz:
Liebe Grüsse, Christian
@Christian: Danke! Ich habe es korrigiert.
Liebe Grüße, Ron