»Desiring God« informiert heute über die Evangelium 21 Konferenz, die in der Zeit vom 18.-20. August 2011 in Hamburg stattfinden wird.
Over the last two years, some like-minded pastors and theologians have come together to discuss possibilities for advancing a biblical understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ among German-speaking countries. One result of this has been the development of the network Evangelium 21 (in English, »Gospel 21«). Evangelium 21 helps to foster growth in understanding, proclaiming, and living the gospel in the 21st century through hosting conferences (especially for Christians in leadership), providing resources, and facilitating further networking.
Mehr hier: www.desiringgod.org.
Nun – die Rede hör ich wohl, allein… – 😉
@elviS: Ja, 2011.
Liebe Grüße, Ron
dann bin ich wohl erst 2012 dabei, wenn mein alter freund carson dabei ist 😉
this is very exciting.