Ryan Hoselton, Doktorand an der Universität in Heidelberg, hat einen vortrefflichen Beitrag über Evangelium21 für The Gospel Coalition geschrieben:
The young group began in 2009, but they’ve already developed an exciting array of resources for German churches. They closely partner with a publishing company named 3L Verlag, offering solid books and resources on theology and Christian living. The group’s Facebook page stays active with members sharing articles, offering book recommendations, and referring each other to good churches. Ron Kubsch, assistant chairman, maintains an active blog called TheoBlog, engaging current cultural and theological issues with a reformed Christian Weltanschauung (worldview). He and Matthias are also actively involved in teaching and leading the Martin Bucer Seminar, a theological seminary with locations in Bonn, Munich, and elsewhere. The other assistant chairman, Christian Wegert, pastors the thriving Arche Gemeinde in Hamburg, and the sermons are televised throughout Germany. Evangelium21 also promotes Christian material for children and has recently started a group called Josia, which offers conferences and online media resources for young adults.
Vielen Dank Ryan!
Mehr: www.thegospelcoalition.org.