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16 Jahre zuvor

(Ok, let’s do in English this time.) Very interesting these works of early christian comic books you pointed out here. And to say the truth, for what I’ve already seen of them, they had good quality with strong stories. Some years ago, in Brazil, some protestant artists tried to make something like that. They didn’t succeed, but I didn’t like that work either. And why? Because they followed the same mainstream tendency of comic books industry: „cool“ art, with heroes and villans in strong bodies, and poor stories, using always the same theme, that was the fight, or spiritual war, of forces of good and evil, represented by angels and demons. In a nutshell: a woman who believed in God, using Him as some kind of „great Force“ to summon the angels to fight the forces of evil. Christian comic books like that may appeal to some believers, but not for everybody, including me. What I’d like to see in… Weiterlesen »

16 Jahre zuvor

Hallo Ron,

I think this comic book is no longer available, but I know the story because it’s a famous one. In fact, it’s a true story, and the book of it is very well-known. You can see the book here:


Many people in Brazil likes this story, and we have a portuguese edition of it. It’s called there „O Contrabandista de Deus“, literal portuguese translation for „God’s Smuggler“.


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