Christianity Today hat mit Kevin DeYoung über sein neues Buch Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book About a (Really) Big Problem gesprochen. Unter anderem adressiert er den verfänglichen Einfluss digitaler Kommunikationsmedien auf das geistliche Leben. Ich kann dem nur zustimmen. Es lohnt sich, hin und wieder ein analoges Buch oder Stift und Papier zur Hand zu nehmen:
Whatever rules I have to suggest, I’ve probably broken myself. This is a struggle for me, like it is for many younger Christians. The place to start is with a healthy suspicion toward technology. We don’t have to be Luddites, but we should realize that the opportunities technology affords also present new dangers. Besides this initial awareness, it can be helpful to do practical things like: deliberately use „old“ technologies (i.e. real books, paper, pen), don’t clutter people’s lives with needless texts and emails, set aside times in the home when screens are not allowed. Most importantly, we have to remember that the God of eternity does not want us to live our whole lives in the trivial and ephemeral world of sound bites and the tyranny of the now.