Themelios 35.3 online

Themelios35.3.jpgDie Ausgabe 35.3 des theologischen Journals Themelios ist online abrufbar.

  • D.A. Carson: Editorial: Contrarian Reflections on Individualism
  • Carl Trueman: Minority Report: Terrible Beauty, Beauty, and the Plain Terrible
  • Daniel J. Estes: Fiction and Truth in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature
  • Daniel J. Brendsel: Plots, Themes, and Responsibilities: The Search for a Center of Biblical Theology Reexamined
  • Stephen M. Garrett: The Dazzling Darkness of God’s Triune Love: Introducing Evangelicals to the Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar
  • Philip Graham Ryken: Pastoral Pensées A World Servant in Christian Liberal Arts Education
  • Über 60 Buchbesprechungen

Hier das PDF: themelios-35-3.pdf.

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[…] Themelios 35.3 online […]

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