Themelios 48.3 online

Themelios 48.3 ist erschienen. Der Inhalt:

  • EDITORIAL: Dealing with Criticism: Lessons from Nehemiah (Brian J. Tabb)
  • STRANGE TIMES: Skin in the Game? (Daniel Strange)
  • Geerhardus Vos: His Biblical-Theological Method and a Biblical Theology of Gender (Andreas J. Köstenberger)
  • The Lamblike Servant: The Function of John’s Use of the OT for Understanding Jesus’s Death (David V. Christensen)
  • The Greco-Roman Background to „Fighting the Good Fight” in the Pastoral Epistles and the Spiritual Life of the Christian (G. K. Beale)
  • Postmillennialism: A Biblical Critique (Jeremy Sexton)
  • Beacons from the Spire: Evangelical Theology and History in Oxford’s University Church (Jason G. Duesing)
  • Cultural Mandate and the Image of God: Human Vocation under Creation, Fall, and Redemption
  • (N. Gray Sutanto)
  • Is the One God of the Old Testament and Judaism Exactly the Same God as the Trinitarian God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – of the New Testament and Christian Creeds? (John Jefferson Davis)
  • Do Companies Have Social Responsibilities? (Gary J. Cundill)
  • A Biblical Framework for Deciding Workplace Moments of Conscience (Jonathan D. Christman)
  • Pentecost: Not Really Our Story Afterall? A Reply to Ekaputra Tupamahu (Robert P. Menzies)
  • Book Reviews

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