Verletzten Wunder die Naturgesetze?

Verletzen Wunder die Naturgesetze? Daniel von Wachter meint: Nein! In seinem Vortrag:

  • „Miracles are not violations of the laws of nature because the laws do not entail regularities“

plädiert er für eine neue Sichtweise der Naturgesetze:

Some have tried to make miracles compatible with the laws of nature by re-defining them as something other than interventions. By contrast, this article argues that although miracles are divine interventions, they are not violations of the laws of nature. Miracles are also not exceptions to the laws, nor do the laws not apply to them. The laws never have exceptions, they never are violated or suspended. They probably are necessary and unchangeable. They apply to divine interventions too. We need to reconsider not miracles but laws. The main claim of this article is that laws of nature do not entail regularities, and that therefore miracles do not violate the laws. We need a new theory of the laws of nature, the tendency theory.

Hier der Aufsatz als PDF-Dokument: Wachter-2015-regularities-2015-05-21.pdf.

Professor Wachter hat zu diesem Thema kürzlich auch einen Vortrag an der ETH Zürich gehalten. Hier ein Mitschnitt:

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