John Frame und Francis Schaeffer

Steve Scrivener hat Kommentare von John Frame über Francis Schaeffer zusammengestellt. Frame sagte über Schaeffers Einfluss auf sein Leben:

I only met Schaeffer maybe three or four times in my life. I spent a night at his Chalet in Switzerland in 1960, but he was away in the states at the time. I hoped to spend more time there, but God never opened the door. Nevertheless, reports of God’s work at L’Abri stirred my soul, and I sought any opportunity to read his letters and, when later available, his books.

Early in my study at Westminster [Theological Seminary ( Philadelphia ) in 1961–64], I read Schaeffer’s article »A Review of a Review,« published in The Bible Today. Schaeffer had studied both with Van Til and with the editor of The Bible Today, J. Oliver Buswell. Buswell had been very critical of Van Til. Schaeffer’s article sought to bring them closer together. Much of Schaeffer’s argument made sense to me, and from then on I believed that the differences between Van Til’s and the »traditional« apologetic were somewhat less than Van Til understood them to be.

Even more impressive to me, however, was Schaeffer’s example as an evangelist. L’Abri sought both to give »honest answers to honest questions« to the people who visited, and to show them an example of radical Christian love and hospitality, a »demonstration that God is real.« I came to know many who had been converted through L’Abri, or had been deeply influenced by the ministry. Almost without exception, these believers were spiritually mature, balanced, passionate about both truth and holiness. Though I watched L’Abri from afar off, it influenced my own ministry more than many who were closer by …

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