God, Marriage & Family

519Q8HTKFJL._SL160_.jpgSelten waren Kirchen, Gemeinden und einzelne Christen in Familienfragen so verunsichert, wie das derzeit der Fall ist.

Mark Discoll empfiehlt in einem kurzen Videomitschnitt das Buch God, Marriage & Family von Andreas J. Köstenberger. Köstenberger ist wirklich ein ausgezeichneter Exeget. Bibelausleger sowie Leute im pastoralen Dienst sollten seine Ergebnisse zur Kenntnis nehmen.

Der Verlag schreibt zum Buch:

We live in a time of crisis regarding marriage and the family, and only by a return to the biblical foundation can these institutions be rebuilt. To provide an integrated, biblical treatment of the full range of marriage and family issues, the authors of God, Marriage, and Family examine what Scripture says about God’s purposes for humans in their marriage and family interactions. Their examination covers the special issues stemming from marriage, childrearing, singleness, homosexuality, and divorce and remarriage. With study questions and points for further discussion, this book is a comprehensive yet concise resource for anyone seeking a Scriptural response to our culture’s complex challenges to God’s intentions for marriage and family.

Hier der Clip von Marc Driscoll: vimeo.com. Das Buch heißt:

  • Andreas J. Köstenberger: God, Marriage, and Family: Rebuilding the Biblical Foundation, Crossway Books 2004, 448 S.



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