Die neue Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Themelios ist online. Schwerpunktthema ist diesmal Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758).
In seinem Editorial geht D.A. Carson der Fragen nach, was eigentlich eine „Evangeliums-Sache“ ist:
Today it is very common to hear that such-and-such a topic is “a gospel issue.” We must hold to the eternal generation of the Son: it is a gospel issue. We must defend inerrancy: it is a gospel issue. We must espouse complementarianism: it is a gospel issue. We must be sabbatarians: it is a gospel issue. We must hold to a specific eschatological vision: it is a gospel issue. We must hold to substitutionary penal atonement: it is a gospel issue. Alternatively, the weight of some doctrines may be diminished by our pronouncements if we declare that something or other is not a gospel issue. We then hear statements like these: Inerrancy may be important, but it is not a gospel issue. I disagree with your understanding of the role of the nation of Israel in the history of redemption, but that’s all right: it’s not a gospel issue. Why do you make such a fuss over complementarianism? After all, it’s not a gospel issue.
Hier: Themelios39.2.pdf.
Sehr gutes Editorial von Carson. Wäre spannend, dazu eine Fortsetzung (vllt. ein Buch dazu) von ihm zu lesen. Die Artikel über Edwards muss ich mal noch überfliegen.
[…] hat der Neutestamentler D.A. Carson in Themelios das Evangelium erklärt, also gesagt, was das Evangelium ist und was es nicht ist. Hier ein […]