Themelios 34.3

themelios-34-3.jpgAuch die neue Ausgabe von Themelios kann ich wieder empfehlen, allein wegen der Buchvorstellungen. Wayne Grudem kommt in seinem Beitrag über die Klarheit der Schrift zu folgenden Ergebnissen:

The clarity (or perspicuity) of Scripture is no minor doctrine.

  1. It provides the basis for giving us the Bible in our own language.
  2. It provides the basis for thinking we can read the Bible and understand it.
  3. It provides the basis for thinking that we even have a gospel-message to proclaim.
  4. It provides the basis for thinking that we can know what God wants us to believe, and how he wants us to live.
  5. It provides the basis for thinking that detailed study of Scripture, and even extensive academic study of Scripture, has great value, because it will eventually yield even fuller understanding of a Bible that is an infinite storehouse of wisdom and knowledge.
  6. It assures us that our infinite Creator, whom we seek to know and to worship, has loved us enough to speak to us in words that we can understand—and understand not only with our minds but with our hearts. Through these words of God, we know and follow him. And thus we experience in our lives what Jesus tells us will happen: »My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me« (John 10:27).

Hier die Themelios-Ausgabe als kostenfreie PDF-Datei:

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[…] Themelios 34.3: “Auch die neue Ausgabe von Themelios kann ich wieder empfehlen, allein wegen der Buchvorstellungen. Wayne Grudem kommt in seinem Beitrag über die Klarheit der Schrift zu folgenden Ergebnissen: […]

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