Woody Allen glaubt nur, was er sieht. In einem Interview mit The New York Times erklärt er, warum sein neuester Film trotzdem dem Glauben an die glückliche Fügung gewidmet ist.
I was interested in the concept of faith in something. This sounds so bleak when I say it, but we need some delusions to keep us going. And the people who successfully delude themselves seem happier than the people who can’t. I’ve known people who have put their faith in religion and in fortune tellers. So it occurred to me that that was a good character for a movie: a woman who everything had failed for her, and all of a sudden, it turned out that a woman telling her fortune was helping her. The problem is, eventually, she’s in for a rude awakening.
Hier: www.nytimes.com.
„This sounds so bleak when I say it, but we need some delusions to keep us going.“
Das ist eigentlich unser echter Zeitgeist: „Glaube ist ein Selbsttäuschung / Illusion“.