Calvins Gebrauch von Augustinus

S.J. Han vom Chongshin Theological Seminary in Südkorea hat untersucht, wo und wie oft Calvin in seinen Schriften auf Augustinus zurückgegriffen hat. Sein Fazit:

There is no one as influential as Augustine in Calvin’s writings, though Calvin did not use the opinions of Augustine for the sake of using them. He judged and criticised them, like those of any other Church Father and any council, according to their dependability upon the single standard of Scriptures. He showed little appreciation for Augustine in certain doctrinal positions. He could accept neither the allegorical exegesis of the Biblical texts, nor the philosophical subtlety of the speculations. He regarded Augustine as the Father of the Church who had comprehensively grasped all the doctrines of the Scriptures and who is the best qualified representative of the old Church of the first five centuries, in terms of faithfulness to the Scriptures. In this context, I confirm Calvin’s own proclamation of Augustinus totus noster est. In other words, Calvin’s Augustine is the Augustine who was interpreted and used uniquely by Calvin in the sixteenth century.

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