David Wells spricht über neues Buch

41HtCTZNkTLDavid Wells hat kürzlich ein Interview zu seinem neuen Buch:


Auf die Frage: „How does God in the Whirlwind contribute to the work you’ve already done in No Place for Truth, God in the Wasteland, Losing Our Virtue, Above All Earthly Powers, and The Courage to Be Protestant?“ hat Wells geantwortet:

Christianity Today has dismissed this new book as being a mere retread of these prior works with lots of hurrumphing, they say, along the way! Oh, dear. I am sorry that they were unable to see that this book is actually quite different from what I have written in the past. It is true that my understanding of modernized culture remains substantially the same as before. In this book, though, I have focused most of my attention, not on the culture, but on developing a biblical understanding of the character of God. This is something I have not done before and some of my critics have said that while I have exposed the problems in the church, I have not given the answers. Well, the answers are all tied up in knowing God and obeying him. This book is really a biblical theology of God’s holy-love showing how that holiness and that love are progressively revealed through the O.T., are embodied in Christ, and come together in the cross that God’s love provided and that his holiness required. This is what grounds and defines our sanctification, worship, and service in the world.

Das macht mich neugierig. Das Buch erscheint im Januar 2014.

Hier mehr: www.crossway.org.

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Mir ging es gleich! Ich habe das Buch, zusammen mit fünf anderen Werken (1993-2008), bestellt.

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