NEXT 2011

In der Zeit vom 28. bist 31. Mai 2011 wird in Orlando (USA) die NEXT 2011 Konferenz stattfinden. Die Veranstalter formulieren ihr Anliegen so:

Look around—you live in a post-Christian culture. What the Bible says is treated with disbelief or scorn; faith is considered a relic or worthless. Christ calls us to love God with our minds, interpreting all of nature and culture in the light of God’s self-revelation. As Christians we can survey the whole cosmos with new eyes and see it as an open field for joyful, worshipful exploration. A Christ-centered worldview is broad and deep and mature enough to encompass every facet of life—science and society, mathematics and music, love and logic. In Christ, Christians should be the deepest thinkers, the most passionate explorers, the most innovative entrepreneurs.

Das Programm mit der Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung gibt es hier. Nachfolgend der Trailer:

Next 2011 Promotional Video from Sovereign Grace Ministries on Vimeo.

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