Foundations Issue No. 61

foundation-sample.pngDie neue Ausgabe des Journals Fundation ist erschienen. Neben Buchbesprechungen sind folgende Aufsätze sind enthalten:

  • Dan Strange: Not Ashamed! The Sufficiency of Scripture for Public Theology
  • John Legg: So Who Is My Neighbour?
  • Thorsten Prill: Evangelical Mission Organisations, Postmodern Controversies, and the New Heartbeat of Mission
  • Ralph Cunnington: Did Turretin Depart from Calvin’s View on the Concept of Error in the Scriptures?

Hier gibt es die Datei: affinity-foundations-61-autumn-2011.pdf.

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11 Jahre zuvor

It used to be that the Philippines‘ biggest competitive advantage in the global job market is the proficiency of our skilled workers in the English language. The well illustrated presentation brings to the fore the popularity and acceptance of English as the working language in India. Finally, parents teaching the language at home should take advantage of the easy access to English materials available around the world.

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