Fuji Farm

Großstädte sind für Künstler, Musiker und Schriftsteller sehr attraktiv. Der im TheoBlog schon mehrfach erwähnte christliche Maler Makota Fujimura hat viele Jahre in New York City gelebt und gearbeitet (siehe z.B. hier). Nun folgt er Künstlern, die gegen den urbanen Trend ihre Heimat auf dem Land suchen. Der lebenskluge Fujimura hat die „Fuji Farm“ gegründet.

The city offers intense concentration. Artists can see great art in art museums, the newest art in galleries, attend lectures and other social events that bring them into contact with artists, collectors, dealers, and critics. The art news cycle runs on a daily basis, and the institutions that are necessary for professional artistic practice are found in the city and are responsive to this news cycle.

Yet the blessing of intense concentration is also a curse. It can limit the scope of the artist’s experience to the micro-level, in which seasonal fashion trends take on significance they do not deserve. And the institutional, social aspects of artistic practice – going to events, meeting the right people – can gradually become the content of an artist’s work, as he or she becomes an art world „insider“ rather than an artist. In fact, cities can breed conservatism among critics, curators, dealers, and artists who are fearful to go against fashion trends, upset convention, and risk marginalization from their peers.

Mehr: www.christianitytoday.com.

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