Macs im pastoralen Dienst

51UzkeQ+b8L._SL160_.jpgDavid Lang von OakTree Software hat ein Buch über MAC-Computer im geistlichen Dienst geschrieben. Er sagt zum Projekt:

Last year, when there was no shortage of Accordance work for me to do, OakTree Software graciously gave me the time I needed to write a book entitled Macs in the Ministry. That book is being published by Thomas Nelson as part of their new Tech Guide series, and is scheduled to be released next month. While the book does include a couple of chapters on Bible software (one surveying the available options and another outlining how to study using Bible software), its focus is not primarily on Bible software, but on how you can use your Mac to help you in six alliterative ministry activities: preparation, presentation, publication, promotion, participation, and practical needs. Macs in the Ministry is divided into two parts. Part One is designed to provide you with »Inspiration.« Each chapter takes one of the ministry activities just listed and shows you what you Mac can make possible. You’ll find lots of ideas you can incorporate into your own ministry, and plenty of examples from other »Mac ministers.« Part Two is about »Perspiration,« about learning how to do some of the things part one inspired you to do. This section contains step-by-step tutorials on how to create movies, slideshows, websites, sermon outlines, a daily Bible study curriculum, etc. When writing Macs in the Ministry, I wanted to do more than just write a technology book. So I took this as an opportunity to preach to the preachers. Throughout the book you’ll find practical ministry advice on developing a coherent philosophy of technology in ministry, selecting the right image for a presentation, taking advantage of social networking, Biblical examples of self-promotion, why we often fail to involve others in the work of ministry, ways to avoid neglecting your family, and much more. My hope is that Macs in the Ministry will end up on people’s shelves because of their interest in technology, but will stay on their shelves because it offers ministry advice which will never become obsolete.

Das Buch:

  • David Lang: Macs in the Ministry (Nelson’s Tech Guides), Nelson Pub Group, 2010, 272 S.

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14 Jahre zuvor

Lieber Ron, vielen Dnak für diesen Hinweis!!! Liebe Grüße, Johannes

14 Jahre zuvor

very cool

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