William Edgar: Schaeffer und das geistliche Leben

SCL 300x449William Edgar hat Francis Schaeffer in L’Abri kennengelernt und nun ein Buch über ihn geschrieben. Hier ein paar Empfehlungen für Schaeffer on the Christian Life: Countercultural Spirituality:

Os Guinness:

Friendly, passionate, intellectual, and constantly engaged with people as well as ideas and contemporary affairs, Francis Schaeffer comes alive in Edgar’s objective but affectionate portrait. Rescued from the distortions of both lionisers and demonizers, here is ‘FAS’ as so many of us knew him in the great years of L’Abri—and with so much to contribute to our world today.

David F. Wells:

An engaging, fascinating account, seasoned with unusual insight into one of the truly original apologists of our time.

John M. Frame:

For many years I hoped that I could spend some time at L’Abri, but that was not God’s plan for me. Instead, God enabled me to become friends with many L’Abri alumni, of whom Bill Edgar was one. I have been impressed with the intellectual caliber of those men and women, but even more with their godly character. L’Abri evidently had a way of leading people from intellectual atheism, to conversion, to spiritual maturity. Bill’s book focuses, more than other L’Abri books, on theis process of what we now call spiritual formation. The whole church can learn much from it. I commend this excellent book to all hwo seek to draw nearer to God.

Colin Duriez:

Francis Schaeffer was small of stature but a giant in his tenacious concern for truth, for God, for people, and for reality. He became convinced that Christian faith was the radical path for our own day, the realistic answer to the hard questions of a modern, troubled world. William Edgar’s compulsively readable study of Francis Schaeffer’s thought is set in the context of his rough-edged life and his brilliantly-inspired work in the L’Abri community he established with his remarkable wife, Edith. L’Abri, perched high on the slopes of a remote alpine valley, drew a motley procession of mainly young travellers from the ends of the earth. Schaeffer’s own, sometimes anguished, quest to communicate the ancient biblical text in a century of unprecedented historical changes attracted and opened doors for a generation of Christians. It also convinced many outside the faith with honest questions (like Bill Edgar himself) to follow the way of Christ. This engaging book captures the fire of Francis Schaeffer’s thought and concerns, and revisits and reinvigorates the still urgent challenge he presented to the church in the modern world.

Das erste Kapitel des  Buches gibt es hier: schaeffer-on-the-christian-life-download.pdf.





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10 Jahre zuvor

Ich habe das Buch gekauft und werde es in den nächsten Wochen lesen und rezensieren.

Johannes Strehle
10 Jahre zuvor

Hanniel, ich freue mich auf Deine Rezension;
und hoffe, wenn das Buch so gut ist,
dass es möglichst bald in deutscher Übersetzung zu lesen sein wird.
(mit meinen Englisch-Kenntnissen ist es ziemlich mühsam,
das Original zu lesen.)
Das muss nicht gedruckt sein.
Vielleicht solltest Du Schaeffers Buch über das geistliche leben mit heranziehen.
Ich hoffe, im Sinne Schaeffers,
dass das Buch nicht nur Schaeffer als Vorbild rühmt,
sondern auch dazu auffordert, ihn nachzuahmen.
Siehe Schaeffers Vermächtnis und seine Widmung.
Herzlichen Gruß!

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