Von großen Theologen lernen: Interview mit Gerald McDermott

51vWzzJAzEL._SL160_.jpgTrevin Wax hat mit Gerald McDermott über sein neuestes Buch gesprochen. In The Great Theologians stellt McDermott einflussreiche Theologen wie Athanasius, Aquin, Luther oder Schleiermacher vor. McDermott selbst sagt zur Auswahl der vorgestellten Denker:

Generally, these are the eleven whom I consider to have had the most influence on the history of Christian thought.

  • Origen’s way of reading shaped Bible interpretation for the next 1500 years.
  • Von Balthasar, a contemporary of Barth, is fast becoming the most important Catholic theologian for this new century.
  • Athanasius saved the church from degenerating into a little sect of Greek philosophy.
  • Augustine was perhaps the most influential of all theologians—East or West—teaching us all, for instance, the meaning of grace.
  • Thomas Aquinas was declared by the Catholic Church to be its foremost Doctor (teacher), and showed us all how faith relates to reason and the meaning of »sacrament.«
  • Luther’s efforts to reform the Catholic Church were the principal stimulus to the rise of Protestantism.
  • Calvin was the first and greatest teacher of that second great Protestant tradition, the Reformed movement.
  • Edwards was the greatest religious thinker to grace the American continent and also the premier Christian thinker about how God relates to beauty.
  • Friedrich Schleiermacher was the father of liberal theology.
  • John Henry Newman was the great reformer of the Church of England who famously became a Catholic and showed us how doctrine develops through time.
  • Barth was the most influential of all 20th-century theologians.

Hier das Interview. Das Buch:

  • Gerald McDermott: The Great Theologians: A Brief Guide, Inter Varsity Press, 2010, 210 S., ca. 16 Euro

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Dr. J.
14 Jahre zuvor

McDermott ist Gastdozent in MBS Zlin gewesen.

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