Zur Semantik des Begriffs ›evangelikal‹

Francis Beckwith skizziert im Buch über seine Konversion zum Katholizismus die Reichweite des Begriffs ›evangelikal‹:

Put in terms of specific traditions, if the term ›Evangelical‹ is broad enough to include high-church Anglicans, low-church anti-creedal Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, the Evangelical Free Church, Arminians, Calvinists, Disciples of Christ, Pentecostals, Seventh-Day Adventist, open theists, atemporal theists, social Trinitarians, substantial Trinitarians, nominalists, realists, eternal security supporters and opponents, temporal theists, dispensationalists, theonnmists, church-state separationists, church-state accomodationists, cessationists, non-cessationists, kenotic theorists, covenant theologians, paedo-Baptists, Anabaptists, and Dooyeweerdians, then there should be room for an Evangelical Catholic.

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15 Jahre zuvor

Hallo Ron,

Das ist eine gute Diskussion. Ich stimme nicht zu, dass der Begriff „Evangelical (Roman) Catholic“ existieren sollt, aber manchmal kann wir hier in Brasilien beobachten, dass die brasilianische Evangelikale einige katholische Charakteristiken zeigen.

Ich habe ein guter Artikel davon (auf Englisch), dass ich zu Dir schicken will. Aber zuerst, ich muss sein Verfasser fragen, um seine Autorisation zu bitten.



13 Jahre zuvor

[…] Put in terms of specific traditions, if the term ‘Evangelical’ is broad enough to include high-church Anglicans, low-church anti-creedal Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, the Evangelical Free Church, Arminians, Calvinists, Disciples of Christ, Pentecostals, Seventh-Day Adventist, open theists, atemporal theists, social Trinitarians, substantial Trinitarians, nominalists, realists, eternal security supporters and opponents, temporal theists, dispensationalists, theonnmists, church-state separationists, church-state accomodationists, cessationists, non-cessationists, kenotic theorists, covenant theologians, paedo-Baptists, Anabaptists, and Dooyeweerdians, then there should be room for an Evangelical Catholic. Return to Rome, S.128 (Quelle:TheoBlog) […]

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