Francis Schaeffer: A Mind and Heart for God

51uvweuE1gL._SL110_.jpgMark P. Ryan schreibt in einer Rezension über das gerade erschienen Buch:

  • Bruce A. Little (Hg.): Francis Schaeffer: A Mind and Heart for God, Phillipsburg: Presbyterian & Reformed, 2010. 132 S., ca. 10 Euro:

For a short book, Francis Schaeffer: A Mind and Heart for God covers a lot of valuable ground. It provides a compelling portrait of schaeffer as churchman, evangelist, deep-thinker, and a most compassionate individual. it offers important vantage points from which to view schaeffer’s ministry, especially his remarkable ability to convey biblical truth to so many whether Christian or not. it shows an awareness of schaeffer’s legacy beyond L’Abri and beyond formal ministries dedicated to apologetics and outreach. And more than simply looking backwards, this volume explores ways in which schaeffer might aid Christians today in holding out the gospel to a lost and decaying culture. Of course, the book’s strength (covering so much so briefly) is also its Achilles heel. Although this compact volume must certainly be considered a vital resource for understanding schaeffer and his legacy, it is not a “stand alone” resource. to understand schaeffer the man, one will still need to read Colin duriez’s biography: Francis Schaeffer: An Authentic Life (Crossway, 2008). similarly, to appreciate Schaeffer’s apologetic, one will need to read Bryan Follis, Truth With Love: The Apologetics of Francis Schaeffer (Crossway, 2006). As is always the case, one will also need to read schaeffer himself! Ultimately, one must judge a volume against its own intended aims and purposes. Far from attempting comprehensiveness, this book and the conference that gave rise to its contents intends to acquaint a generation of evangelicals unfamiliar with schaeffer with his life and ministry while promoting schaeffer’s emphases and approach as a model of cultural engagement that is both relevant and simultaneously faithful to the Christian gospel. weighed in these scales, this short, accessible, and thoroughly enjoyable volume succeeds on both counts. i hope many read this and are aided in developing their own mind and heart for God.

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12 Jahre zuvor

[…] vergangenen Jahren sind mehrere Biografien über Francis Schaeffer veröffentlicht worden (siehe hier, hier und hier). Nun ist ein weiteres Buch über den amerikanischen Evangelisten und Apologeten […]

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